Sustainability is no longer just a trend; it has become an essential element in the hospitality industry. More and more hotels are recognizing the importance of environmentally friendly practices and integrating sustainability concepts into their operations. From procurement to operations and disposal, eco-conscious decisions are at the forefront.
A key aspect of sustainability in hotel furnishings is the choice of materials. Ecologically compatible materials such as recycled wood, sustainable bamboo products and environmentally friendly paints are being used more and more frequently
Energy efficiency and resource conservation also play a crucial role. Hotels are increasingly investing in energy-efficient lighting systems, heating and cooling systems, as well as in the use of renewable energy sources like solar or wind energy. Water-saving measures, such as installing water-efficient showerheads and toilet flush systems, contribute to the sustainable reduction of water consumption.
Sustainability has become an integral part of the implementation of our projects. Ultimately, sustainability is not only a sign of progress, but also a commitment to the future of our planet
Wir sind ökologisch nachhaltig -
We are ecologically sustainable –
PV system on the entire roof of the company building – electricity for own consumption and refueling the e-car fleet
Heating: air-heat heating powered by PV system electricity, building insulation
We generally avoid or reduce car journeys and use car-sharing instead
We fundamentally avoid waste and practice consistent waste separation
We buy and consume regional food, food and drinks in organic quality
We are economically sustainable –
The most holistic philosophy possible is considered and applied throughout
We combine various processes to generate synergies
We work with many regional suppliers to avoid routes/transportation/packaging material
We use recycled cardboard and paper and reuse them elsewhere
In our personnel policy, we focus on long-term employee retention; the company is fully equity-financed
We are socially sustainable –
We are committed to treating our employees, suppliers and customers fairly; we make it possible to balance family, work and leisure time by offering different working time models with flexible working hours and partly working from home; we support regional social, cultural and environmental projects
Wir sind ökonomisch nachhaltig -
Eine möglichst ganzheitliche Philosophie wird durchgehend betrachtet und angewendet
Wir verbinden diverse Prozesse zur Erzeugung von Synergien
Wir arbeiten mit vielen regionalen Zulieferern zusammen zur Vermeidung von Wegen/Transporten/Verpackungsmaterial
Wir verwenden Recycling-Kartons und -Papier und verwenden sie wieder an anderer Stelle
In der Personalpolitik setzen wir auf langfristige Mitarbeiterbindung, die Firma ist komplett eigenkapitalfinanziert.
Wir sind sozial nachhaltig -
Wir pflegen unbedingt einen fairen Umgang mit unseren Mitarbeitern, Lieferanten und Kunden; durch unterschiedliche Arbeitszeitmodelle mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und teils Homeoffice ermöglichen wir die Vereinbarkeit von Familie, Beruf und Freizeit; Regionale Sozial-, Kultur- und Umweltprojekte werden von uns unterstützt.